Posts from 2022

Community Christmas Basket Drive 2022

Hello Everyone! Once again this year we will be supporting Annesley’s Community Christmas Basket Drive. This program supports the local Food Bank and provides food baskets to those in need for Christmas. This year has seen more and more people accessing the Food Bank services than ever before, as the need grows in our community. Donations can be dropped off at Christ…

Christmas Craft & Bake Sale

On Saturday Dec. 3rd from 10 am- 1 pm, the ACW will be holding our first fundraiser since the pandemic began! We will be asking for donations of some of your wonderful home-baking and/or hand-crafted item. Volunteers are an essential part of this type of event, so please consider offering to lend a hand and come join the fun of working together…

World Day Of Prayer

World Day of Prayer Service Traditionally, the World Day of Prayer service would be held in a local Church and planned and prepared by people from local Churches on the first Friday of March. This year that falls on March 4, 2022. Because of the Covid 19 pandemic and the current restrictions, we are not able to host either the planning meeting…