Dear Christ Church friends,
We’ve had another challenging year, and more new ways of doing things have been required! As you may have already gathered, we will not be able to hold our Traditional Christmas Bazaar again this year.
Not only have our bazaars always been a wonderful source of fresh home baked food, beautiful handcrafted items, a warm and welcoming place for friends and family to enjoy a delicious hot lunch, but Christ Church Traditional Christmas Bazaar has also been a much-needed source of fundraising for the ACW and our church.
In past years, many of you have personally provided ingredients and supplies to bake, preserve or make handcrafted items, and as well, often spending generously at the Bazaar. Again this year, we are asking for donations in lieu of your normal Bazaar support provided through your contributions of things for us to sell, your purchases and/or your volunteer hours. Any amount you feel is reasonable will be most appreciated.
You may be interested to know that we sent a similar letter to our parishioners in November 2020 explaining our Alternative for the Traditional Christmas Bazaar and were overwhelmed by the generosity of our church parishioners!
A donation to the ACW (no receipt) for their outreach activities and support of the Church would be appreciated.
Please mail ACW (cash or cheque donations) Cheques made out to Anglican Church Women
to Marilyn Blackman (address provided upon request)
Or; simply drop off your donation in the collection plate to the attention of Marilyn Blackman
Or, please mail or drop off your donation of cash or cheque to;
Jim Griffin (address provided upon request)
Or; simply drop off your donation in the collection plate at church.
Cheques should be made out to; Christ Church Markdale – (in memo section – ACW Christmas Bazaar)
Tax receipts are available for those who wish them.
Thank you very much for any support you feel able to contribute to our fundraising for the ACW and our church.
May we suggest that any donations please be sent, or delivered, on or before Friday, Dec. 17th
Thank you very much!
Ann Bowman – Bazaar Co-Ordinator Judi Hood – ACW President