Posts by Kristen Samis

Community Christmas Basket Drive 2024

Hello Everyone! We are entering into our final week of  the Community Christmas Basket outreach project that we share with Annesley United Church.  Our shared goal is to fill approximately 60 baskets, that will contain ingredients to make a number of meals. The following suggestions for food items include: Canned vegetables, soup and beans peanut…

ACW Christmas Craft & Bake Sale News

Christmas Craft and Bake Sale Saturday, December 7th, from 10 to 1   We are hoping you can donate any of the following for our volunteers to sell to our customers… ~ home baking such as cookies, Christmas cakes, pies, granola, tarts, preserves, etc. ~ frozen meals (eg. mac and cheese, Shepherd’s pie, soup, etc) ~…

Rector’s Summer Holidays

Our parish priest, The Rev’d. Jeffery Kischak will be taking summer holidays between Sun. June 23rd until Tues. July 9th. During this time, if you need to speak to a representative of Christ Church or if you are experiencing a pastoral emergency, please contact one of our two wardens, Chris Griffin or Phil Bowman and…

The Bishop’s Visit

Christ Church will not be having its usual 11.00 a.m service on Sun. June 16th, 2024 as we will be having a special Father’s Day Eucharistic Service beginning at 2.30 p.m. as we welcome our Diocesan Bishop, Bishop Todd Townshend to our church! Tell your family and friends that the Bishop is coming; a service…

Tunes @ Noon in June

Our highly gifted music leader Gerard Willmes will be performing again at high noon every Thursday throughout the month of June! Take a break during your busy day and come in and relax in a pew as you listen to a wide variety of music offered. Bring a lunch if you like. Some snacks and…

Lenten Food Bank Drive

Christ Church is holding our annual Lenten Food Bank Drive from February 25th to March 31st. Thank you to anyone who is able to contribute to this most needed outreach support for those in our community who may require assistance from this food program. Below are suggestions of non-perishable food that would be very much appreciated by the Markdale Foodbank: Canned food; peas, corn, tomatoes, mixed vegetables,…

Community Christmas Basket Drive 2023

Hello Everyone! Christ Church will again be providing much needed support to the Annesley Community Christmas Baskets Food Drive. The need is great! Last year, there were 55 baskets delivered to families who registered to receive one. The expectation is that even more will be requested this year. Donations can be dropped off at Christ Church on Sundays…