
Rector’s Summer Holidays

Our parish priest, The Rev’d. Jeffery Kischak will be taking summer holidays between Sun. June 23rd until Tues. July 9th. During this time, if you need to speak to a representative of Christ Church or if you are experiencing a pastoral emergency, please contact one of our two wardens, Chris Griffin or Phil Bowman and…

The Bishop’s Visit

Christ Church will not be having its usual 11.00 a.m service on Sun. June 16th, 2024 as we will be having a special Father’s Day Eucharistic Service beginning at 2.30 p.m. as we welcome our Diocesan Bishop, Bishop Todd Townshend to our church! Tell your family and friends that the Bishop is coming; a service…

Christmas Craft & Bake Sale

On Saturday Dec. 3rd from 10 am- 1 pm, the ACW will be holding our first fundraiser since the pandemic began! We will be asking for donations of some of your wonderful home-baking and/or hand-crafted item. Volunteers are an essential part of this type of event, so please consider offering to lend a hand and come join the fun of working together…

Community Christmas Baskets

Dear friends, We at Christ Church have contributed for a number of years to the Community Christmas Baskets, spearheaded by Annesley United Church. Dale Armstrong recently contacted us to ask if we would support the Christmas basket collection again this year. Last year 51 Christmas baskets were assembled and delivered to families in Markdale and…

Postponement of Reopening Christ Church

Dear friends in Christ, Peace and blessings to you all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. On September 8th, the diocese of Huron granted all parishes the ability to reopen their churches, provided that they had come up with a safe and effective reopening plan within the guidelines of the provincial government and each local health unit, and that the…

Social Media Opt-out

An enjoyable and important feature of any church website are its pictures. However, it is also important to recognize that not all parishioners belonging to a congregation wish to have their image posted on social media. If you would like to opt-out of any individual or group photos that may be taken in our parish and posted to our website and social…

Welcome To Christ Church Markdale’s New Website!

Hello Everyone! We would like to welcome you to Christ Church’s new website. As we set out to create this online presence, we decided to not only use it to spread the word of God and spread awareness of Christ Church but also to help keep people informed as to what’s going on in our community. Please take the time to look…