Lay Readers
Lay Readers assist with the liturgy on Sunday morning and fill in when the Recotor is absent . Lay Readers are trained volunteers who have received a commission from the Bishop to perform their duties with a license to the Rector. Christ Church currently has 2 Lay Readers
Every Sunday two members of the congregation act as Greeters to welcome all who come in. They hand out bulletins, light candles and ring Christ Church’s bell. In addition to this, they collect the offertory and help with the Eucharist. If you have any questions about the church, they will be able to help you, or direct you to the person with the answer.
Chancel (Altar) Guild
The Altar Guild is a group of volunteers from the congregation who are responsible for keeping the sanctuary and sacristy clean, preparing the altar for Communion, caring for the fine linens, brass, cangles and changing the seasonal altar frontals. They are also usually the ones who beautify our church by arranging flowers and decorating the church for Easter, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day and Christmas.
Lay Administrant
Lay Administrants are volunteers who receive training and help the Rector serve Communion during Sunday services.
Lay Delegates to Synod
Lay Delegates to Synod are members of the Church who attend the Diocese of Huron Synod help in May every year. These Delegates are representatives of our church who vote on motions of change for the whole diocese.
Youth Servers
Youth servers are younger members of the congregation who help the Rector during services on Sunday by performing various duties such as leading Processions and Recessions and helping to prepare communion.
Readers are members of the congregation who, during Sunday service, read Lessons aloud to the rest of the congregation.
Intercessor Readers
Intercessor Readers are members of the congregation who lead the congregation, each Sunday, in reflective prayer about daily struggles, for those requesting our prayers in the community and global events.
If you are interested in joining any of these Liturgical Ministries please contact Reverend Jeff or email