The Ministry of the Anglican Women

Anglican Church Women is comprised of all the women in the Anglican Church. Membership in the ACW is an automatic rite. Membership is free. To exercise your membership simply attend a regular meeting.

Anglican Women gather the second Monday of each month at 1:30 pm with the exception of July and August.

The Diocesan Anglican women meet the last Saturday in April at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, Ontario (or in another Anglican Church in London, Ontario).

This year  the usual Christmas Craft and Bake Sale is on December 7, 2024 – from 10 am to 1 pm. Featuring hand crafted items, home baking, Frozen meals, plant sale, gently used Christmas decorations.


Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who sent your blessed son into the world to become the Saviour of all, grant to us a deep sense of gratitude for your grace and mercy towards us. Enable us by Your Spirit to reveal your love in prayer, work and stewardship, so that your salvation may become known to all people. AMEN


The purpose of Anglican women in the Diocese of Huron is to seek to unite all Anglican women in the fellowship of worship, learning and sharing which will deepen and strengthen their lives and will lead them into fuller Christian service.

In our Parish, the Anglican Women assist our Parish, our community and throughout the world in the following ways:

• Outreach to community – Rummage Sales twice annually

• Women’s Centre – Owen Sound

• Monica Place – Waterloo

• Huron Church Camp

• Diocese of the Arctic Indigenous people – spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh

• PWRDF – International Aid.

• We also collect eyeglasses, pop can tabs, bread tabs, and used stamps to help various charities. There are labelled baskets in the Parish Hall for this purpose. 

• With the proceeds from the Rummage Sale(s) and the Christmas Craft and Bake Sale , the ACW Assists – our Parish, Huron Church Camp, Indigenous Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh, Fairshare and Thankofferings to Diocesan ACW – to support national and international ACW projects.