Raglan Village and COVID19

Even though our congregation can not yet meet in person, we’re all anxious to hear about our friends and neighbours and how they are coping.

Below, is letter from our congregant Stan Bain with his thoughts and feelings and how he’s been at Raglan Village. With COVID19 still having outbreaks in long term care facilities we cant help worry about some of our church family. Thank you Stan for your contribution, our hearts are filled with joy that you are being so well cared for!


At 91 years of age, after a lovely breakfast, I was sitting before an open fire reading the Globe and Mail and an article by Andre Picard who wrote “What is the implication when you describe someone as elderly? That they are unimportant?    Disposable?   Ready to die?” We need not look any further than the horror story unfolding in nursing homes and long term care facilities in Canada and around the world.       These people in institutional care are the most vulnerable to a pandemic, yet little was done to protect them.” “ For the most part, older people, don’t count.”

Ten years ago, Joan and I moved to a condominium in Raglan Village, Collingwood, where we enjoyed the full use of the facilities in the entire unit.   When Joan passed away two years ago, our 4 children and 8 grandchildren encouraged me to move into the residence at Raglan Village where they would not have to worry about my meals, nursing care, and laundry.

When, years later, the health authorities declared COVID – 19 a pandemic, the threat of the introduction of the virus into facilities and communities caring for seniors was highest from those who had come into contact with infected persons upon return from travel and staff serving in other senior’s centres. At Raglan……Active screening of all visitors and staff took place upon entry. We were to avoid contact with other residents closer than 6 feet, community events and external travel. Active screening of all visitors, family and friends and, ultimately, restriction of all visits of family and friends and cancelation of all external recreational programs took place. The dining room was closed and meals delivered to our suites. All symptoms of resident illness to be reported to the nursing station where daily temperatures were taken.

All changes in health conditions related to symptoms of COVID-19 of all residents and staff will be reported to the Ministry o Health.

I get around with a walker, lonely exercise in front of the exercise screen. I enjoy the phone calls from old friends and lately the discovery of ZOOM with the family in Boston and Victoria.

As the days go by and the early signs of improvement in the survival rates across the country make the headlines, I thank God for the care      that the Residence at Raglan village provides, the manager, the director and nursing staff, those who put together my lovely breakfast and make my bed, and all the residents at Raglan Village –WHO DO COUNT !!!

Stanley Bain M.D, CFPC