Sermons from 2019

Sermon: Luke 8.26-39

Delivered Sunday June 23, 2019, The Second Sunday after Pentecost. Readings: 1 Kings 19.1-15; Psalm 42 & 43; Galatians 3.23-29; Gospel of Luke 8.26-39 Our gospel story for today is kinda spooky; where after previously calming the winds and waves of a fierce storm out in Lake Galilee, Jesus and his disciples head across to the other side of the lake, to…

Sermon: Trinity Sunday

Delivered Sunday June 16th, 2019, Trinity Sunday. Lessons: Proverbs 8.1-4, 22-31; Psalm 8; Romans 5.1-5; Gospel of John 16.12-15 I have a bit of confession to make to you this morning; that I always get a little uneasy for some strange reason whenever anyone asks my mom: “how is it, that you raised both your boys to become priests, while I can’t…

Sermon: Acts 11.1-18

Delivered Sunday May 19th, 2019, The Fifth Sunday of Easter. Lessons: Acts 11.1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21.1-6; Gospel of John 13.31-35 I am old enough to remember a time even in the late 70’s and early 80’s of the 20th century, growing up in a small town where we never wore seatbelts, or in a small town, the cops tended to look…

Sermon: John 21.1-19

Delivered Sunday May 5th, 2019, The Third Sunday of Easter. Lessons: Acts 9.1-20; Psalm 30; Revelation 5.11-14; Gospel of John 21.1-19 Recently, this last week, I was down in London, Ontario, at St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral, celebrating the ordination of two new deacons in our Church, and after the service completed, everyone goes into this massive hall they have there where we…

Sermon: Luke 13.1-9

Delivered Sunday March 24th, The Third Sunday in Lent. Lessons: Isaiah 55.1-9; Psalm 63.1-8; 1 Corinthians 10.1-13; Gospel of Luke 13.1-9 I remember one time in my undergraduate days when I was a summer student working in warehouses driving a forklift around, dreaming of a more exciting and fulfilling future, that there was this really awful, generic country and/or western song playing…