Sermons from 2020

Sermon: John 14.1-14

I begin today like many people will, who will take time to say: Happy Mother’s Day! So I say to all the blessed mothers who gave birth to us; who were always there for us; who always loved us; who always toiled endlessly in front and behind the scenes on our behalf and who have, quite frankly, put up with us…to all…

Sermon: Luke 24.13-35

Sermon: Luke 24.13-35 -Sunday April 26th, 2020 -The Third Sunday of Easter “Going Down to Lonesome Town…”              Geographically speaking, we don’t know too much about this place Emmaus, where two of Jesus’ disciples were on the road to in our gospel and where along a dusty road, as they were discussing what had just tragically occurred in Jerusalem, a mysterious stranger…

Sermon: John 10.1-10

Sermon: John 10.1-10 – Sunday May 3rd, 2020 “Jesus & the grocery store arrows…”             Dear friends in Christ, as the weeks and months of this pandemic progress, we are beginning to see the very real emotional, mental, spiritual, and even in terms of our waistlines, the physical tolls that the effects of social isolating and the new rules governing human relations…

Sermon: John 20.19-31

Sermon: John 20.19-31 – Sunday April 19th, 2020 “What the darkness reveals”             I remember when I was a little boy – maybe 5 or 6 years old, my parents would go out on Saturday night leaving me and my brother and one of our older cousins in charge of babysitting us at our house. And in retrospect, I can say that…

Easter Sermon 2020

Easter Sermon 2020 – Sunday April 12th, 2020             Our psalmist cries out this morning: “On this day the Lord has acted; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”          Hallelujah! I’ll say it again: “On this day the Lord has acted [and] we will rejoice and be glad in it.” So c’mon, all you at home, go on say it with…

Sermon: John 11.1-44

“Let’s make a deal, or rather, let’s make a covenant: for I am the resurrection and the life…”             My favourite gameshow growing up that I used to love watching on T.V. was “Let’s Make a Deal,” starring the late great Canadian born in Winnipeg – Monty Hall, who would wear I’m sure you remember these absolutely outlandish brightly coloured polyester suits…