Stan’s Adventuring

Checking in with parishioners is something our lovely ACW has been doing during Covid19. While we can not all meet together in person, they have done a wonderful job reaching out and seeing how we’re all doing.

When they contacted Stan, they found that he had spent a week adventuring with his family! Everyone quarantined for 2 weeks prior to going on this lake trip and it looks like Stan enjoyed his time with his family very much! Here’s a little note about his week at the lake.

I would like to tell you about it way best week in my life over the past 6 months Cathy (my daughter) and John (her husband)  invited me to their cottage on Stoney Lake for a great week with family and fellowship. A highlight of the week was the boat trip , you have seen a picture of which. John and Deni two husky fellows took the chance of dumping me in the Lake but very very successfully deposited me Into the rowboat for my tour around the island. The rowboat was a gift many years ago from Joan and me to Cathy and John allowing a strong arm to take 2 people around the Lake. The entire week was spent relaxing for me amid the tall pine trees along the shore watching the more youthful swimming in the Lake.  We were gathered together to a beautiful meal on the deck in front of the cottage. This was the first time in 5 months of isolation due to the epidemic thatt I had been able to spend some time with the family.  Looking forward to the time when the Church hopefully will be open and I can see you all in person.  Love Stan”