What to Expect?
On Sundays and Wednesdays, we gather to connect with one another and to worship God. We offer one Sunday morning service at 11.00 a.m. and a Wednesday morning “Early Bird,” service that you are welcome to come and explore.
If you are interested in coming and experiencing our community either on a Sunday or Wednesday morning, you are welcomed to come dressed as you are!
- On Sundays, you’ll be greeted as you come in, and you will be given a worship bulletin that will guide you through the service – so no previous experience is necessary!
- Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly when you need to stand or sit. Join in as you are able and when you feel comfortable.
- The music will be in the blue book entitled Common Praise, located in the pew shelf in front of you.
- There will be a monetary offering taken up which you are welcomed to contribute to but please don’t feel you have to!
- We celebrate communion at both our weekly services, and all baptized Christians are welcomed to receive the bread and the wine. Simply come up to the altar rail at the time of communion to receive with everyone else. Simply cup your hands to receive the bread and accept the cup. If you do not wish to receive, you may still come forward, cross your arms over your chest and receive a blessing.
Book of Alternative Services
Modern Service
Sundays at 11.00 a.m.
At this service modern language is used and three scripture passages are read – one from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament and one from the Gospels.
This service also includes a sermon, prayers for the community, absolution, the exchanging of the Peace, and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
Our Sunday morning service is roughly seventy five minutes long.
Book of Common Prayer
Traditional Service
Wednesdays at 8.30 a.m.
The Book of Common Prayer (1962), continues to be the traditional and official prayer book of The Anglican Church of Canada. Beloved for its beauty of language, inspiration, and versatility of services, Christ Church is delighted to offer every Wednesday morning, a traditional service of Holy Communion.
In this service of prayer and praise, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are recalled through the proclamation of the word and the celebration of the holy sacrament. This worship service also includes a sermon, a declaration of faith, acts of confession and absolution, as well as an offertory.